
This training manual will serve as a guide to help you train others in the RF-DASH program. Similar to the in-person trainings, this manual will walk you through the five modules of the RF-DASH program, how to conduct a training and farm visit, tips on talking to the media about a agricultural incident, and much more. We want you to be the advocate for the program and expand its reach to others in your community, and be the rural emergency responder that delivers agriculture safety and health.
Module 0: Introduction to RF-DASH
Module 1: Introduction to Agricultural Emergencies
Module 2: Pre-planning and Mapping Farms
Module 3: Farm Hazard Analysis with SaferFarm
Module 5: Approaching the Farm Community
Firefighters/EMS are trusted sources of information for media professionals and the communities they serve. The RF-DASH Media Guidelines for Emergency Responders is designed to help firefighters and EMS on how to conduct interviews with the media, disseminate health and safety messages, and tips on how to establish relationships with your local media organizations.
These slides are an adaptation of the RF-DASH Media Guidelines for in-classroom use.
RF-DASH Training Certificate
RF-DASH has continued to grow and scale-up across the U.S. and Canada. This current success story provides information and progress over the programs five years that you can share with those new to the program.
This brochure will help Fire/EMS introduce the program with the agricultural community on how RF-DASH can make their operations safer.

Introduction to Farm MAPPER provides information on the Farm MAPPER program for those interested or new to RF-DASH.
Introduction to SaferFarm.org provides information on the Saferfarm.org website for those interested or new to RF-DASH.
Tips for Farmers when Calling Emergency Dispatch (9-1-1) was developed by Utah State Extension and RF-DASH Trainers.
This resource should be of strong interest to farm families, and we encourage our RF-DASH trainees and other rural first responders to print and disseminate to farm families in their area.
These customizable business cards are designed for RF-DASH members to hand out to interested audiences so they can contact you to discuss implementing RF-DASH in their departments, organizations, and communities.
The RF-DASH Directory lists individuals that have taken the RF-DASH training and are now Farm Hazard Analysts. If you are a farmer or rural emergency responder seeking more information about the program, you can contact individuals in your region.
RF-DASH Firefighter Poster with contact information (11×17).
RF-DASH Farm Poster with contact information (11×17).
List of common and critical hazards on farms to be assessed with Safer Farm.
A PDF of the influential First on the Scene book authored by Murphy et al. for rural residents and workers. This book provides information for those individuals that are likely to be first on scene for agricultural emergencies.
The PDF is for viewing only and cannot be printed. We are hosting it here because the physical book is out of print. Please disregard the “Purchasing the Book” section on the first page. The website listed is no longer owned by Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service (NRAES).

Tools of the Trade: Safer Farm Usage Overview
Module 1: Introduction to Emergencies (Partial)
Module 2: Preplanning and Mapping Farm using Farm MAPPER
Module 3: Farm Hazard Analysis
Module 4: Farm Family Emergency Response Program
Module 5: Approaching the Farm Community
Funding Acknowledgement
UMASH Pilot Award P005501204 (2014-2016) ● CDC-NIOSH U54 OH010170 (UMASH) (2016-2022) ● CDC-NIOSH U54 OH010170-11 (UMASH) (2022-2027) ● NIH-NCATS U54 TR002373-06 (E2I, UW-Madison) (2024-2025)