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Agriculture Rescue Training

October 25-26, 2024 | Registration CLOSED!


This program has been running strong for the last few years and this will be our last year at the Marshfield location. If you are in the Midwest and haven’t attended, this is your chance!

Train-the-Trainer Course

Friday, October 25, 2024

Ag Rescue Training Event

Friday & Saturday, October 25-26, 2024

Participants can choose to attend Ag Rescue Training, Train-the-Trainer, RF-DASH, or any combination of the three events.

***Registration fees for all events will be waived for Extension faculty and staff and technical college instructors. Please contact Jakob Hanschu ( to receive a code to waive your fee.***

Calling All

First Responders, Emergency Medical Technicians, Fire, Rescue, and Law Enforcement Personnel

Training for responses that are of a LOW FREQUENCY – HIGH DANGER to emergency personnel are the ones for which emergency responders should be better prepared, but are you?

Farmers are largely independent and often manage many of their own injuries and incidents. However, when a hazard transforms itself into an entrapment or serious injury, emergency services are called upon. This is when emergency personnel will be exposed to dangers less familiar to them.

In the past, many in the volunteer service had members on the department that either worked on or came from a farming background. This familiarity was an advantage to departments and agencies, and they were the “go to” people when en-route to a farm incident. Today, agencies around the state lack the knowledgeable personnel of the agricultural world and those same dangers that caused the injury to the farmer may do the same for your firefighter and EMS personnel.

This is why the National Farm Medicine Center and the Auction of Champions Donors, in partnership with Pittsville Fire Company, Life Link III Air Medical Transport, Heiman Holsteins, Heeg Farms Inc., and Marshfield Clinic Health System are in the process of helping you to be better prepared when being called to these situations. On October 25 and 26, 2024 an evening of live presentations and a full day hands-on training at various agricultural workshops is in development to train your staff on how to approach and safely rescue someone involved in an agricultural emergency.  

We will also be offering again this year a separate train-the-trainer course designed to equip participants with in-depth knowledge on how to organize and conduct their very own Agriculture Rescue Training. This will be held during the day October 25, 2024.

Ag Rescue Training: By the Numbers


Emergency Responders Trained in Ag Rescue


Emergency Responders Trained to be Instructors


Departments Represented


Departments Receiving Gas Monitors




Principles of machinery extrication will be discussed as well as hands on incident size-up, extrication and patient handling will be performed in this workshop.

Tractor Rollover

More common tractor overturns and discussion of stabilization techniques as well as emergency medical concerns with hands on experience will be showcased in this workshop.

Confined Spaces on the Farm

This workshop will involve an identification of various confined spaces on the farm and a presentation of what is needed successfully perform a confined space rescue. Participants will gain hands-on experience practicing a confined space rescue.

***We recommend that you bring one SCBA and one spare tank per participant in the confined space workshop.***

Grain bins have their own unique hazardsUtilizing safety equipment, this workshop will be an on scene presentation of the needs to perform a safe rescue from a grain bin.

Large Animal

Technical Rescue

This workshop will give participants multiple skills and techniques to safely contain, approach and manipulate recumbent large animals in emergency situations. Safe working zones, equipment options, proper strap placement and manipulation techniques will be considered and practiced on articulated one thousand pound training mannequins. This workshop delivers the foundational techniques to manage animals in more complicated situations.

Thank You to Our Sponsors!

Are you interested in donating or becoming a sponsor of the Agriculture Recue Training program? Please contact Jakob Hanschu at for next steps and how you can help emergency responders be better prepared for agricultural emergencies.