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RF-DASH Training

RF-DASH Training at ART 2024

October 24-25, 2024

Thursday, October 24, 2024 – RF-DASH Training

Friday (Afternoon), October 25, 2024 – RF-DASH How-To

Registration Open!

***Registration fees for all events will be waived for Extension faculty and staff and technical college instructors. Please contact Jakob Hanschu ( to receive a code to waive your fee.***

The Ag Rescue Training Staff will be holding an RF-DASH Training on Thursday, October 24, 2024 and a session on how to organize your own RF-DASH training on Friday (afternoon), October 25, 2024. The RF-DASH training and how-to session are separate from the Friday and Saturday ART events.

ART and RF-DASH are like sister programs. ART focuses on training firefighters in the technical rescue side of agricultural incidents while RF-DASH aims to inform first responders, farmers, and community members alike about how to prevent agricultural injuries and incidents in rural communities. Attendance is limited to 30 participants.

RF-DASH Training at ART 2024 Information

Agenda – RF-DASH Training

RF-DASH Training at ART 2024 Agenda

RF-DASH Training

Thursday, October 24, 2024 | Heiman Holsteins, Chili, WI

8:00 AMCheck-in and breakfast at Heiman Holsteins
8:30 AMWelcome & Introductions
8:45 AMModule 0: Re-Introducing RF-DASH – What’s new, what’s different, & why
9:00 AMModule 1: Introduction to Ag Emergencies
9:30 AMModule 2: Pre-Planning Farm Responses
10:15 AMBreak
10:30 AMModule 3: Farm Hazard Analysis
11:00 AMModule 4: Farm First Aid
11:45 AMModule 5: Farm Community Outreach
12:15 PMLunch / SaferFarm & Farm MAPPER demo / Virtual Farm Walk-Through
1:00 PMRF-DASH Hands-On Training
3:30 PMAdditional Module: Speaking with the Media
4:00 PMClosing Remarks / Evaluations

RF-DASH ‘How-To’ Discussion

Friday (Afternoon), October 25, 2024 | Froehlke Auditorium, Marshfield, WI    

3:30 PMWelcome and Overview
3:45 PMRF-DASH Training How-To
4:15 PMQuestions and Roundtable Discussion
4:45 PMFinal Remarks and Wrap-Up
Modules – RF-DASH Training

The RF-DASH program consists of five classroom-based modules followed by a hands-on component. The modules cover agricultural emergencies, tools for preplanning and hazard analysis, strategies for reaching the agricultural community and more. The hands-on component will provide participants with firsthand experience using the tools Farm MAPPER and SaferFarm to pre-plan/map farm and assess farm hazards, respectively. Learn more by perusing the RF-DASH resources.

Module 1:

Introduction to Ag


First responders are trained and well practiced for emergencies that are of high frequency, low risk such as carbon monoxide and roadway incidents. However, farms pose as a low frequency, high risk emergency to many first responders. This introductory module introduces them to and discusses the causes of the most common farm emergencies, including strategies to expedite and improve responses to them.

Responding to emergencies on agricultural sites can be as dangerous as working there. Farms have machinery, chemicals, flammable agents, multi-story structures, unique electrical systems, to name a few challenges that place unique hazards to rescue personnel. Responders need to have a  planned response for the farms in their service area to reduce this risk. This module includes instructional use of Farm-MAPPER, a free, online, mobile-friendly tool, that gives fire departments the ability to pre-plan and map farms, expediting response times in the event of a emergency.

The goal of this module is to help with the identification of common hazards found on farms.  Most individuals understand the need to identify farm hazards, however that is only one stage of the goal in managing hazards and risks.  Farm hazards must also be evaluated and ranked in priority. These three stages tend to cyclical as opposed to being discrete, sequential steps. and the Farm Hazard Analysis Tool (FARM-HAT)provides everyone the ability to correct hazards and reduce the risk of injury on farms.   

Most farmers and their families will not have any formal training in emergency response and first aid, and with the wide range of different hazards on farms, the probability of an incident is high. Knowing the correct response can improve a stressful situation and lead to better patient outcomes. This module aims to educate farm family members and employees how to manage a victim injured in a farm incident while emergency services are en route to the scene.

Module 5:

Approaching the Farm


This module covers methods on how to reach out and approach the farming community to implement the RF-DASH program on their area’s operations.

Tools/Tech – RF-DASH Training

The RF-DASH program utilizes two free and easy-to-use tools: Farm MAPPER and SaferFarm. Farm MAPPER is an online mapping application that first responders can use to create pre-plans of farms and other agricultural sites. SaferFarm is a tool for assessing specific agricultural hazards present on an operation and developing a mitigation plan with the operator. Click the links to learn more about these tools!

Location Info – RF-DASH Training

Thursday, October 24, 2024

The RF-DASH Training on Thursday will be held in-person at the Heiman Holsteins dairy farm in Marshfield, WI. Click here for directions to the farm.

Friday (Afternoon), October 25, 2024

Friday’s RF-DASH ‘How-To’ Discussion session will be conducted in-person at the Robert Froehlke Conference Center, located in the Melvin R. Laird Center of the Marshfield Clinic Research Institute in Marshfield, WI.

Parking is available in lot L and B (see map). Please enter from parking lot L and not street side.

Map of Marshfield Clinic Health System Marshfield Campus. Froelke Auditorium/Lot L and Lot B are starred.
Who Can Attend – RF-DASH Training

RF-DASH is a community-based injury prevention program that aims to leverage the bonds between rural fire departments, farmers/ranchers, and agricultural community members to reduce rates of agricultural injury and property loss in rural communities.

As a community-based program, the RF-DASH Training at ART 2024 is open to fire fighters, EMS personnel, law enforcement, safety professionals, Extension agents/staff, technical college instructors, rural insurance agents, farmers, and other rural community members interested in preventing agricultural injuries and incidents.

Note: The Ag Rescue Training Event is a firefighter-only event. This is because that training is on the technical side of agricultural rescue situations. All attendees for the Ag Rescue Training Event must be affiliated with a fire/EMS department. Full turnout gear is required.

Lodging – RF-DASH Training

It is the registrant’s responsibility to arrange lodging. For your convenience, we have listed the Marshfield area accommodations. The following hotels offer a state rate.

Hampton Inn & Suites
400 W. Upham St.
Marshfield, WI 54449

(715) 207-0295
Holiday Inn
750 S. Central Ave.
Marshfield, WI 54449

(715) 486-1500
Hotel Marshfield
2700 S. Central Ave.
Marshfield, WI 54449

(715) 387-2700
114 E. Upham St.
Marshfield, WI 54449

(715) 502-5151
Woodfield Inn & Suites
1651 N. Central Ave.
Marshfield, WI 54449

(715) 387-2233
CEUs – RF-DASH Training

Certificates validating 8 hours of CEUs upon completion, pre/post test, and evaluation of the program will be awarded. 

How to Dress – RF-DASH Training

RF-DASH Training participants should dress for walking around a farm, taking into account the possibility of inclement weather. Long pants are suggested. Closed-toed shoes are required. Turnout gear is not necessary for the RF-DASH Training. (However, full turnout gear is required for the Ag Rescue Training Event).

RF-DASH Funding Acknowledgement

UMASH Pilot Award P005501204 (2014-2016) ● CDC-NIOSH U54 OH010170 (UMASH) (2016-2022) ● CDC-NIOSH U54 OH010170-11 (UMASH) (2022-2027) ● NIH-NCATS U54 TR002373-06 (E2I, UW-Madison) (2024-2025)